Lunes, Hunyo 24, 2013

Give Time for Yourself to Decide What Is Right

Sometimes your heart tells you to help someone to find the right way but your mind tells you that you have to let someone find its own way in order to grow. Sometimes you feel good when you share what you have to someone but your mind tells that it is better to teach someone how to find things for himself. Sometimes you heart whispers that you have to understand and be kind to someone but your minds shouts leave because you deserve someone better. Your heart cries for you to stick to someone who has similar personality like you but your mind scolds you that opposite attracts to each other. The difference between your heart andmind is that, your minds tells you the smart thing to do while your heart tells you what you are going to do even things may be impossible. Your heart and mind sometimes disagree, but it is up to you whose advice you are going to follow.

It is very easy to do things that you are capable of, as well as do things that are close to your heart. But it is very hard to make decision when your both heart and mind disagree with each other. Since making decision is not like as easy choosing what to eat for breakfast, choosing between red and blue or even choosing where you are going to have a ride, a bus or taxi. You try to figure things out. You try to scale advantages and disadvantages that will take you a lot of time and concentration. And before you finally decide, the opportunity that knocked is gone. That is the crashing and frustrating part of decision making. Once you make decision, you have to stand for it even if you thought you can’t. You have to stand for what you decide even if thing are not the way you used to think. You have to be stiff in the decision you made for you to gain dignity and reliability. You have to be strong to take the risk and consequences of the decisions you made. You decide for the one that you know will help you grow not only in the field of your career but also to your whole personality as a person.  

Many people become successful with the decisions they made. We don’t know what could they really thinking of. But for sure they based their decisions not only for their own welfare but also for the welfare of other people. A woman decides to marry a rich man in order to have a wealthy life and to share the blessings to her family. An employer decides to spend a higher cost with advance and quality tools for the company rather than the cheap ones.

Decision making is really a great effort. But if you cannot decide for yourself, you need the help of others. You can rely to the closest member of your family, your most trusted friend, and call for assistance of a counselor or an adviser while larger groups such as institutions and different organizations based their moves from the help of business strategies consultants. Most of the time, the success of their business in achieving their targets in time with the security of taking right decisions depends on the market research company that they have ran.

The ability to make a good decision with available information is vital. It would be easy if there were one formula you could use in any situation, but there isn't. Each decision presents its own challenges and we all have different ways of approaching problems. Dealing with decisions in a positive manner will really help to make decisions really work.


Lunes, Hunyo 10, 2013

The Challenges of Concept Testing

In the field of market research, the value of concept testing is well regarded as a strategic way in making vital business decisions. This would help business companies to structure their plans based on the recent market study and trends. Knowing what’s in and what’s not in the market arena is a good way to assess the service or the product’s market advantage. Concept testing will also have to be based on normative database results to enable a wide scope on the study and analysis on what will be most beneficial in the market.

Shifts in Consumer Behavior

One of the most important factors to consider in concept testing is the attitude or the behavior of the consumers. Consumers change in behavior and attitude overtime. This would account for most shifts in the trend of products in the market. The mindset of the consumer can be greatly influenced by economic situation, recently launched products, and technological developments. Thus, concept testing should be able to address this issue on determining what product will have to stand out in a certain season for the consumers. Knowing the recent consumer behavior is valuable for a market research company. This is where most of the business decisions and resolutions will be based. 

A Differing Concept Quality

Each company will defer in their standards on concept testing. Some may consider concept testing on different stages of development and this will make a way for the differences between companies. There is also the fact that manufacturing companies are not equally good in creating concepts. The role of focus group companies in these situations is to test the product quality or its impact to the public through the open group discussion method. This will know the insights and views of the group regarding the product or a concept synthesized by a company.

Inequality of Competency Exists

According to industry sources, several products are withdrawn from the market within their first few months. This would account for the ineffective concept testing set by companies. If they are already utilizing concepts with high probability in succeeding in the market then why does these still happen? It may be blamed to inequality of competency on concept testing of the new products released in the market. Business strategy consultants may find their way in these situations. They may be hired by business or manufacturing companies to help structuring a strategy or a concept that will yield the potential success in the market. 

The value of concept testing goes far beyond any business strategy in the promotion and movement of products and services in the market. With the right approach and proper analysis of concepts before the release of products in the market, their success can be well predicted in the market.